UPDATE: Police Report on Fat Cat (胖猫) and Tan Zhu (PLOT TWIST!)

Sarah Strawberry

May 21, 2024

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The Chongqing Police has released an update to the Fat Cat and Tan Zhu case- and you wouldn’t believe the plot twist!

P.S. = If you haven’t read the background story, read the first post on Fat Cat and Tan Zhu here.

Fat Cat Story

Fat Cat and Tan Zhu. Source

The 21-year old game streamer Liu Jie, better known as Fat Cat (胖猫) online, jumped to his death from the Yangtze River Bridge on April 11th, 2024. His story is told as a devastating case of heartbreak, all because of his girlfriend Tan Zhu. Fat Cat’s sister Liu Yi portrayed Tan Zhu as an alleged gold-digger, draining 510,000 CNY of his savings.

After the authorities recovered his body, the public really sympathized with his story and sent take-out food to the bridge. There was a public outcry to punish his ex-girlfriend and make their case clear.

Chongqing Police Statement

On May 19th, the Nan’an District Branch of the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau finally released a report on this famous case. Here is what is in this report:

On their relationship:

Tan Zhu and Fat Cat met while playing online games and dated for more than 2 years. They had met each other’s family and friends, and their relationship was public.

In February 2023, Tan told him that she did not want to be in a long-distance relationship. Fat Cat moved to Chongqing from Hunan to be with her.

The flower shop was a cooperation between the two. Fat Cat agreed to invest 70,000 CNY and Tan was responsible for the operations.

In February 2024, Tan introduced Fat Cat to her parents, friends, and relatives in her hometown.

It is true that the relationship was tumultuous. They broke up and got back together many times. In April 5th, Tan sent him a message that they each should “calm down for a while and live their own lives”.

On April 10th, a day before his suicide, Fat Cat contacted Tan Zhu:

Fat Cat: I will transfer the money from my “Alipay Wallet” to you.
Tan Zhu: Why did you transfer (the money) to me? You’re still young, you need to use the money. You can’t play games for a long time, you have to save money and plan for the future. Don’t give it to me.
Fat Cat: *transfers 66,666.66 CNY to Tan Zhu*

Fat Cat then sent a WeChat message to her, to run the flower shop. He then blocked her on Alipay, which means that she can’t transfer the money back!

Early morning of April 11th, Fat Cat sent a WeChat message: “We are done”, then jumped into the river.

On the “gold-digging”:

They had a joint Alipay account, and here is the transfer records from the beginning of their relationship in 2021-2024:

Details on how much money is transferred between Fat Cat and Tan Zhu
Police report on the transfers between Fat Cat and Tan Zhu

On May 11th, the Police determined that this case does not constitute a crime of fraud. Tan and Fat Cat’s parents have reached an agreement and Tan refunded the financial difference during their relationship.

On Tan’s report that Fat Cat’s sister violated her privacy:

Fat Cat’s sister deliberately designed for Tan Zhu to be “abused by the internet” by posting private chat and transfer records. The sister also created other accounts to affect others’ opinions and invited friends and relatives to comment!

Fat Cat’s sister posted Tan Zhu’s address, accounts, and other personal information. She also deliberately took selfies that is made to look “very tired and upset”, “haggard”, “not wearing makeup” to win sympathy.

This caused netizens to attack Tan Zhu through the internet. Tan Zhu received many small transfers with abusive messages.

Some netizens went over the line with the abuse. Three netizens posted Tan’s phone number, address, ID card, and Alipay account online, and they will be criminally processed.

In Summary

We can conclude from the police report that:

  1. Their relationship was real, but turbulent! They broke up and got back together many times, and this seems to be an unhealthy relationship. Tan also stated in the past that every time they break up, Fat Cat will threaten her that he’d hurt himself.
  2. The flower shop expense was a business dealing they agreed upon
  3. The transactions examined by the police showed that these were normal expenses for two people who are dating and planning their lives with each other
  4. The Police determined that this is NOT a fraud case
  5. Fat Cat’s sister instigated this online attack against Tan Zhu. She also deliberately portrayed herself as a “haggard” victim to get sympathy. Sadly, it worked so well that Tan Zhu was bullied online so badly. This case even gained international attention

We hope that Tan Zhu can get peace from the online attacks after the official police report is published. May Fat Cat rest in peace, and hopefully Tan Zhu will get justice as well against his family.

UPDATE: Fat Cat’s sister’s account is now banned.

Banned account screenshot of Fat Cat's sister
Screenshot of Fat Cat’s sister’s banned account. Source

P.S. = If you haven’t read the background story, read the first post on Fat Cat and Tan Zhu here.

fat cat tan zhu case from chongqing china police report

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